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Study Note/NBER working paper

NBER working paper 8월 둘째주

# www.nber.org 에서는 많은 경제학 논문들의 working paper들을 매주 발표합니다. 그리고 논문들의 목록과 abstract는 이메일 뉴스레터로 받아볼 수 있습니다. 논문 목록과 몇몇 논문 제목의 간단한 한국어 번역. 페북에 올리던 건데 앞으로 블로그에도 올리겠습니다.

# 굳이 논문들을 처음부터 끝까지 읽어볼 필요는 없습니다. 다만 요즘 어떤 주제가 잘 나가고 나오고 있는지 대략적으로 둘러볼 수 있겠지요. 그러다가 관심가는 논문이 있으면 찾아서 읽어보시면 됩니다.

# 이번주 NBER 입니다. 경제학 논문 22편인데 이번주 특히 흥미로운 논문들이 많네요. 주요 논문 제목은

- 임금불평등과 생산성-집중력, 그리고 공정성 (The Morale Effects of Pay Inequality)

- 젠더 VS 정당: 미국 국회의원들의 협력 성향에서 나타난 차이 (Gender Differences in Cooperative Environments? Evidence from the U.S. Congress)

- 심각하게 생각하지마: 동전던지기가 주는 행복 (Heads or Tails: The Impact of a Coin Toss on Major Life Decisions and Subsequent Happiness)

- 풍력 발전과 태양광 발전의 종합적 비교 경제분석 (Level versus Variability Trade-offs in Wind and Solar Generation Investments: The Case of California)

- 신용평가 담당자의 승진 성향으로 본 신용평가의 정확성 (Analyst Promotions within Credit Rating Agencies: Accuracy or Bias?)

제가 언급 안한 워킹 페이퍼 포함한 전체 목록 링크는 아래에 있습니다.


저 논문들 본문은 nber에서는 유료입니다. 본문을 보려면 scholar.google.com 에서 제목을 검색하거나 저자들의 홈페이지를 찾으면 됩니다.

1.  Level versus Variability Trade-offs in Wind and Solar Generation Investments: The Case of California

by Frank A. Wolak #22494 (EEE IO)


2.  Union Army Veterans, All Grown Up

by Dora L. Costa, Heather DeSomer, Eric Hanss, Christopher Roudiez, Sven E. Wilson, Noelle Yetter #22497 (AG DAE LS)


3.  The Morale Effects of Pay Inequality

by Emily Breza, Supreet Kaur, Yogita Shamdasani #22491 (DEV LS)


4.  Does Rosie Like Riveting?  Male and Female Occupational Choices

by Grace Lordan, Joern-Steffen Pischke #22495 (LS)


5.  Analyst Promotions within Credit Rating Agencies: Accuracy or Bias?

by Darren J. Kisgen, Matthew Osborn, Jonathan Reuter #22477 (CF)


6.  Peer Information and Risk-taking under Competitive and Non-competitive Pay Schemes

by Philip Brookins, Jennifer Brown, Dmitry Ryvkin #22486 (IO)


7.  Gender Differences in Cooperative Environments? Evidence from the U.S. Congress

by Stefano Gagliarducci, M. Daniele Paserman #22488 (LS POL)


8.  Macro-Finance

by John H. Cochrane #22485 (AP EFG)


9.  A Unified Approach to Estimating Demand and Welfare

by Stephen J. Redding, David E. Weinstein #22479 (ITI)


10.  The FinTech Opportunity

by Thomas Philippon #22476 (AP CF EFG)


11.  Heads or Tails: The Impact of a Coin Toss on Major Life Decisions and Subsequent Happiness

by Steven D. Levitt #22487 (LE LS PE)


12.  Do Private Equity Funds Manipulate Reported Returns?

by Gregory W. Brown, Oleg R. Gredil, Steven N. Kaplan #22493 (CF)


13.  Start-up Nation? Slave Wealth and Entrepreneurship in Civil War Maryland

by Felipe Gonzalez, Guillermo Marshall, Suresh Naidu #22483 (DAE)


14.  Grounded by Gravity: A Well-Behaved Trade Model with Industry-Level Economies of Scale

by Konstantin Kucheryavyy, Gary Lyn, Andres Rodriguez-Clare #22484 (ITI)


15.  The Evolution of Physician Practice Styles: Evidence from Cardiologist Migration

by David Molitor #22478 (HC HE)


16.  Wage Flexibility and Employment Fluctuations: Evidence from the Housing Sector

by Joern-Steffen Pischke #22496 (EFG LS)


17.  Analyzing the Impact of the World's Largest Public Works Project on Crime

by Satadru Das, Naci Mocan #22499 (HE LE LS PE)


18.  Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility: The Exchange Rate Connection

by Jordi Gali, Tommaso Monacelli #22489 (EFG IFM ME)


19.  The Deregularization of Land Titles

by Sebastian Galiani, Ernesto Schargrodsky #22482 (DEV)


20.  Is Optimal Capital-Control Policy Countercyclical In Open-Economy  Models With Collateral Constraints?

by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martin Uribe #22481 (EFG IFM)


21.  Paralyzed by Fear: Rigid and Discrete Pricing under Demand Uncertainty

by Cosmin L. Ilut, Rosen Valchev, Nicolas Vincent #22490 (EFG IO ME)


22.  Why Does Idiosyncratic Risk Increase with Market Risk?

by Soehnke M. Bartram, Gregory Brown, Rene M. Stulz #22492 (AP)


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